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Conferences and information sessions

Past sessions

Coalition for Networked Information (CNI). Research Findings from the Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) Project, (Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research) 

OCLC Works in Progress Webinar. "Archivist focus group interviews and EAD analysis"  (Chela Scott Weber, Lesley A. Langa, Merrilee Proffitt, and Lynn Silipigni Connaway, OCLC Research)
Society of American Archivists, Research Forum. "End-User Research Findings from the Building a National Finding Aid Network Project" (Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research) 
OCLC Works in Progress Webinar. "Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) research findings—End user survey and interviews" (Lesley A. Langa and Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research)
Society of American Archivists, Joint EAS Section and TS-EAS Annual Meeting. NAFAN project update (Adrian Turner, California Digital Library and and Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research)
OCLC Works in Progress Webinar. "Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) research findings—Introduction and project recommendations." (Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Lesley A. Langa, Bruce Washburn, Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research)


Joint US-Canada AtoM Users Group. NAFAN project update (Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
Digital Library Forum 2022. "Imagining a Shared Future for Archival Discovery: findings from the Building a National Archival Finding Aid Network project" (Lesley A. Langa and Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research)

NAFAN Information Session 

This information session provides an early review of some of the key project deliverables, including:

  • Findings regarding:
    • The distinct needs of researchers and cultural heritage institutions in relation to finding aid aggregation, as identified by OCLC Research.
    • How a national-level finding aid network might offer services, support, and advocacy to community-based archives, surfaced in a two-day workshop hosted by Shift Collective in December 2021, “Increasing National Discovery of Archives,”
  • A data dashboard providing a summary of EAD finding aid data and usage patterns, represented within US-based regional/state finding aid aggregations as of November 2020-January 2021.
  • A high-level functional and design model envisioned for a national-level finding aid network.

Presentation slides

Society of American Archivists, Annual Meeting. “Project Update: Building a National Finding Aid Network" (Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research; Rachael Hu and Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
Society of American Archivists, Research Forum. "The Broadest Possible Range of Users: Learning About Users of Archival Aggregations" (Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research) 


American Libraries Association, Annual Meeting.  “News You Can Use: OCLC Research update: Resources to meet changing community needs” (Lesley A. Langa and Lynn Silipigni Connaway, OCLC Research)


American Libraries Association, Library Research Roundtable Panel, Annual Meeting.  “Understanding Factors that Shape Archivists’ Needs for a New Finding Aid Platform” (Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Lesley A. Langa, Merrilee Proffitt and Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research)
Association of College & Research Libraries, Rare Books and Manuscripts Division (RBMS), Virtual Conference. "Imagining a Shared Future for Archival Discovery: research findings and paths forward from the Building a National Archival Finding Aid Network project." (Itza Carbajal, Lesley A. Langa, Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research; Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners symposium, Expand Digital Access Today: New Pathways for Sharing Your Collections. "Wide discovery and access for archives through a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN)." (Rachael Hu and Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
OCLC Works in Progress Webinar. "Research to advance the Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) project." (Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Lesley A. Langa, Bruce Washburn, and Chela Scott Weber, OCLC Research)
Society of American Archivists, Research Forum. "Observing changes in EAD Tag Usage to Support Discovery, 2013-2021" (Merrilee Proffitt and Bruce Washburn, OCLC Research)
Society of American Archivists, Annual Meeting. “Project Update: Building a National Finding Aid Network,” pre-recorded session (Lesley A. Langa, OCLC Research; Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
Society of American Archivists, Research Forum. "Who Searches Archives Online? Results From a User Survey from 12 State and Regional Archival Finding Aid Aggregators (NAFAN)" (Lesley A. Langa, OCLC Research)
Council of State Archivists (CoSA) webinar: "Building a National Finding Aid Network" project update (Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
Society of California Archivists, Annual General Meeting. OAC/Calisphere Contributor Meeting + "Building a National Finding Aid Network": project update (Christine Kim and Adrian Turner, California Digital Library)
New England Archivists, Virtual Meeting. National Archival Finding Aid Network (Karen Eberhart, Brown University and Kate McNally, Brandeis University)


Interact with source code we develop for prototype systems, at https://github.com/nafanproject.